View Full Version : OT: A Man's Behavior

07-12-2020, 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by colker View Post
"I tried hard to see this as an alternative POV but it makes no sense to me: bullies abuse and rejoice in other´s fear. That´s not the case w/ Hambini. And you "love" how a guy who does a service to the cycling community may be threatenned by the moderator? Even if the moderator is acting to protect forum rules? You rejoice in punishment... Who is the bully here?"

My comment has nothing to do with cycling or Hambini's findings of his Open frame. I couldn't careless. When a man behaves poorly and makes chauvinistic/sexist comments, he's a bully. I have no problem with bullying the bullies because they keep going until someone stands up against them. I praise a moderator who has the courage and integrity to maintain civility.

Call me a bully all you want. I'm not even close to being perfect, but I try to be a decent human-being, try to have scruples, and try to stand-up for those who cannot. I'm sure this thread will get closed. That's ok.

Peter P.
07-12-2020, 05:40 PM
I missed it; what's your post in relation to?

07-12-2020, 05:56 PM
You are confusing two entirely different things. Bullies and bullying have nothing to do w/ objectification of women. One may adopt the most progressive thinking regarding sexual identity and still bully while you can swear all day and not be a bully.
Unless you specifically target an individual there is no bullying.

07-12-2020, 05:58 PM
Hey, how 'bout that coronavirus? It's somethin' else, huh?