View Full Version : postal service vs. ups: question for climb and others with an opinion

01-20-2007, 10:53 PM
i'm referring to the advert for ups that features a postal service (a band as well as a former race team) number:"such great heights".

is ups in on the joke? is the ad agency responsible? a clever music consultant who pulled a fast one and nobody noticed? pure coincidence?

i think it's pretty hilarious at least, no matter what the real story turns out to be.....

01-21-2007, 06:52 AM
i haven't seen the ad, so i'm just wildly guessing... inside joke. being shallow by nature, we ad folk like to amuse ourselves. the agency that does ups also does geico (the caveman stuff, the gecko, the movie anncr helping the woman tell her story) so humor is one of their strengths.