View Full Version : Cryotherapy unit recommendation

02-15-2020, 08:55 PM
Anyone have a good recommendation for a home cryotherapy machine for active recovery of various aching parts?

In my case I need something for shoulder, but depending on the manufacturer, am sure there are specialty pads for other stuff (legs, back, etc) that could get used in the future.

My phys therapist uses one that's several thousand bucks, and boy would i love to get one but that's not in the budget. It pumps out freezing cold air, I think it's nitrogen unit but might also be electric/refrigerant.

A smaller scale version of that may be workable in budget, but also something that uses ice water recirculated might be best.

Would appreciate your specific experience with a model/brand. A quick look on Amazon shows a unit from Ossur for a couple hundred bucks getting rave reviews, for example. That is cold water (with ice cubes in a container) pushed out to a pad that wraps around an affected area.


Hank Scorpio
02-15-2020, 09:21 PM
I know our hips and knees get the polar cube post op. No personal experience with though to report.

02-15-2020, 09:43 PM
I got mine after hip surgery, the rental fee wasn't covered by insurance and the 2 week rental was about 1/3 the cost of buying one, so I bought one. I subsequently have gotten the various body part wraps for other injuries, really makes a huge difference, especially if I use it quickly after injury. It is like a body-specific-area shaped blood pressure cuff, but ice cold instead of just air pressure. I don't use it as much for active recovery now, but have in the past when i was training for a specific race etc, allowed me to still ride to work, train hard, use the game ready, and be recovered and little to no delayed onset muscle soreness to train hard again. There are several medical studies showing that the compression with the cold drives far deeper into tissue and is more effective. When I was on active duty I saw lots of the units being used after for knee surgery etc.
Anyone have a good recommendation for a home cryotherapy machine for active recovery of various aching parts?

In my case I need something for shoulder, but depending on the manufacturer, am sure there are specialty pads for other stuff (legs, back, etc) that could get used in the future.

My phys therapist uses one that's several thousand bucks, and boy would i love to get one but that's not in the budget. It pumps out freezing cold air, I think it's nitrogen unit but might also be electric/refrigerant.

A smaller scale version of that may be workable in budget, but also something that uses ice water recirculated might be best.

Would appreciate your specific experience with a model/brand. A quick look on Amazon shows a unit from Ossur for a couple hundred bucks getting rave reviews, for example. That is cold water (with ice cubes in a container) pushed out to a pad that wraps around an affected area.


02-15-2020, 09:44 PM
Mine is the Donjoy Iceman. Sorry, I should have included that in my post earlier. Only $129.00. Thousands is silly.

https://www.sourceortho.net/donjoy-iceman-clear3/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAyp7yBRCwARIsABfQsnREpaj_nidb96oBPxD RBXbIFZcvstZ8j553N-z3SLds_Ko9wu1pHcwaAnLvEALw_wcB

02-15-2020, 10:51 PM

02-16-2020, 08:38 AM
I picked this (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07BDMH2FC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) up for my wife for pre and post knee surgery.
It's serviceable...
The pad DID spring a leak at the tube junction after a fair bit of use. It took a bit of arm wrestling with the company, but they ended up replacing it. It was among the highest reviewed on Amazon ~ and she continues to use it if she's jarred her knees (took a good spill on an icy uphill cross-country skiing last weekend). Kind-of wish I had it when my son was playing baseball. Ended up with one of those shoulder-specific ice wraps for him, but the active piece would have surely been helpful for that sport, too.

02-16-2020, 09:41 AM
I bought an earlier version of the Ossur Cold Rush (https://www.dme-direct.com/ossur-cold-rush-cold-therapy-system) machine for recovery from my 1st and 2nd knee replacements. It was easy to use and the pad was comfortable and fit well. The machine I bought also had some compression, which at times was helpful. It was also very quiet and I could use it while sleeping without disrupting my wife.

I later bought the shoulder pad for the machine to use after my 2nd bicep tendon repair and that pad was also had good coverage and was comfortable to wear.

Yep, you can always use a bg of frozen peas, but it is a pain to change that all the time whereas the machine allows for longer uninterrupted cold application.