View Full Version : Forum dark or night mode?

09-22-2019, 08:26 AM
Having recently updated to IOS 13 for night/dark mode (this turns the menus and windows black/grey) and Mac OS Mojave for the same, I’m wondering if the forum might have that option as well? It’s very nice on the eyes, any time of day.

09-22-2019, 08:34 AM
It looks cool on a phone for sure but on my Mac at work I need old school, just the way my eyes work. It could look good here though. Interesting idea. A co worker unwrapped his iPhone 11 Max on Friday and showed some photos he took. :hello: Yes I am an Apple fan boy. Since System 6.

09-22-2019, 08:42 AM
Having recently updated to IOS 13 for night mode and Mac OS Mojave for the same, I’m wondering if the forum might have that option as well? It’s very nice on the eyes, any time of day.

Night Shift or Dark Mode?

Two different things. Are you on a Mac?

09-22-2019, 08:47 AM
Sorry, I should have said dark mode.

Keith A
09-22-2019, 08:59 PM
Sorry, I should have said dark mode.Got an example?

09-22-2019, 09:03 PM
Sorry, I should have said dark mode.


Dark mode is an option for Mac built into the OS

09-22-2019, 09:04 PM
Night Mode will basically dim the computer and change the color temp to a warmer one for viewing in a dim or dark room.

09-23-2019, 12:02 PM
Got an example?

Here's a quick stolen picture of reddit dark mode (not my pic, not my content):

https://camo.githubusercontent.com/7778849dce3cd4dc02338bb5ae59d5c47df3682d/68747470733a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f3133363265 35372e706e67

09-23-2019, 12:26 PM
Here's a quick stolen picture of reddit dark mode (not my pic, not my content):

https://camo.githubusercontent.com/7778849dce3cd4dc02338bb5ae59d5c47df3682d/68747470733a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f3133363265 35372e706e67


I know Forums.net offers many background colors but not everyone would be happy with that decision. It's been a while but I think it's still only a back end decision not a choice ea. user could mike. It would be nice but...

09-23-2019, 09:36 PM
Isn’t there an option under accessibility to adjust contrast? Might be worth poking around if you’re really into the dark thing...

09-24-2019, 03:10 PM
I'm new here so for what it's worth...

If it's an option, great. It's nice to have choices. If it's standard, good lord no. Dark mode was std in the 1980s. Then we got better monitors that did dark-on-white, then colors, then we never looked back. I cannot understand why it's back in style. It is not easier to read, it's just considered cool because it's different. I guess everything goes in cycles but I see dark mode as the mullet of user interfaces. Ya know it might come back in style and cringe as it does.

09-24-2019, 10:40 PM
I'm new here so for what it's worth...

If it's an option, great. It's nice to have choices. If it's standard, good lord no. .

9tubes summed it up well!

Tony T
09-25-2019, 04:45 PM

Apple has provided third-party app developers (and Web developers) with the means to automatically enable or disable their own dark modes based on the system-wide status. We’ll have to wait and see how many support it—if some don’t (we’re looking at you, Slack-on-the-Mac-for-the-past-year), you might find yourself suddenly awash in white light at undesirable moments as you switch between apps.

09-25-2019, 05:31 PM
Paceline runs on Vbulletin. A quick google shows that version 5.43 supports dark themes, but is unclear as to whether this is an admin-only, site wide selection, or whether it can be user toggled.

Paceline is currently on an older version of Vbulletin, 3.8.7, so it might be a while :)

09-25-2019, 07:02 PM
9tubes summed it up well!

Agreed, I’m asking for user configurable. Not a global change!