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11-20-2006, 07:56 AM
Some things to prepare for and keep in mind for every ride.


Attending to a Crash Site
by Ken Han

Safety is commonly viewed as accident prevention, and one of the fundamental
missions of the CRW is to offer a safe riding environment for members and guests.
However, crashes can occur. If you come upon a crash scene, there are measures you
can employ to help ensure the safety of the victim(s) and others at the site.

Be Prepared. Pack the following safety essentials before heading out on a ride.

. Identification, insurance, and emergency contact information-This doesn't have
to be your bulky wallet. A photocopy of your driver's license, insurance card, and
some names and numbers written down, is all you really need. Carry this in a plastic
sandwich bag or similar to protect from sweat or rain. Carry this on your person
(not in a bike bag).

. Plastic gloves-This may sound strange, but preventing cross contamination
between you and the victim is extremely important. The gloves are also very helpful
when fixing flats! Boxes of inexpensive latex (or hypo-allergenic plastic) gloves
can be purchased at pharmacies and restaurant supply stores. Just be sure to pack
them in a way to prevent punctures.

. Mobile Phone or Change for Pay Phones-You are not expected to treat any victims
at a crash scene; in fact you can make things worse. Your focus is to bring in
emergency medical personnel, so carrying the means to contact them is critical.
Also, many EMS personnel are trained to look for the name "ICE" (In Case of
Emergency) in your phone should you ever be the victim.

. Pen and Paper-A crash scene can be a chaotic and it can be easy to forget
details. Carrying a simple piece of paper and something to write with will help in
recording information about the accident and also copying down any contact
information about the victim(s).

. Know About Consent-If a victim is conscious, you must obtain consent before you
can administer first aid. To obtain consent, state your name and tell them of any
first aid qualifications you have. Then ask the victim if you can help. Explain what
you think is wrong and what you are planning to do. If the victim refuses help, you
still may call 9-1-1 or other local emergency number. If the victim is unconscious,
consent is implied.

. Understand Good Samaritan Laws-All states have some form of Good Samaritan Laws
to shield caregivers from liability suits. In Massachusetts, there are several laws,
but it all comes down to this: nobody is required to offer medical care, and those
with special qualifications such as EMS personnel, certified CPR caregivers, medical
doctors and nurses are safe from personal liability. In other words, it is your
choice to get involved, and how much you get involved should be based on your

Attending to a Crash Scene. Now the unthinkable has happened. You have come across a
crash scene.

. Don't Panic-It may be easier said than done, but keeping a clear head and being
able to focus and make good decisions can make the difference between life and
death. Furthermore, your calm presence will also calm others. First, think about who
is already there and whether you are needed. In many cases, others are already
taking care of the situation and you would only add to the confusion. Second, think
about what you are qualified to do, and what you are physically able to do. If you
can help, ask if you can help. If you are first on the scene, and you decide to get
involved, take charge until someone more qualified arrives.

. Check the Scene-Initially, your goal is to check the scene of the crash and
determine whether you, any victims, or bystanders are in immediate danger. If there
is immediate danger, for example, if the victim is in the middle of the road or near
harmful materials, consider moving the victim to somewhere safer. If there is no
immediate danger, only move the victim if he or she is preventing access to a more
seriously injured victim. Furthermore, only adjust the position of the victim to
administer first aid, CPR, or other care. In serious accidents, movement of the
victim can lead to further injuries, so only move the victim if you absolutely must.
Wear plastic gloves, and if the victim is conscious, obtain consent before moving
him or her. Try to quickly assess the injuries as best you can. Is the victim
unconscious? Is the victim not breathing? Is there no detectable heartbeat? Is there
serious bleeding? Are there any visible fractures? A "yes" to any of these means
serious conditions that need to be attended to immediately.

. If needed, Call 911 or the Local Emergency Number-If it is a serious accident,
your mission is to get help on the scene. Even seemingly minor crashes can cause
serious internal injuries such as concussions and internal bleeding. It is always
better to err on the side of caution, so if there is any doubt, call for help. Be
prepared to give the dispatcher the location, the number you are calling from, your
name, what the situation is, who is involved, conditions of all the victims, and
what care, if any, is being given. If others are attending to the crash scene and
you want to delegate this task-assign it to someone rather than asking for a

. Care for the Victim-If you are qualified to offer CPR or first aid, now is the
time to do so. If you are not qualified to offer aid, step aside and let someone who
is qualified care for the victim. Attend to the victim as best you can until EMS
arrives by helping the victim stay conscious and calm through conversation. To help
prevent shock, try to keep the victim from getting cold. If there are signs of
overheating or heat stroke, try to keep the victim cool. Once help arrives, describe
everything as best you can to the EMS personnel.

Follow Up. After the victim is under the care of medical professionals, you can
still be of help by following up with other issues.

. Gather Victim Information-Before handing off to medical personnel, try to copy
down the victim's emergency contact information and where the victim will be
treated. Consider contacting the people on that list, and inform them of the
situation. If the crash occurred during a CRW ride, contact the CRW Safety Committee

. See to the Victim's Possessions-To be courteous, you may wish to gather the
victim's possessions. You can have another rider watch them while you get a car or
vice versa. The victim's emergency contact person will most likely take care of the
possessions until the victim can claim them back.

. Follow-Up Call-To go even further, you may wish to contact the victim at the
care site. A friendly call from a fellow cyclist might be greatly appreciated and
could provide peace of mind about the victim's bike and other articles.

11-20-2006, 08:04 AM
Excellent helpful post. Thanks.


11-20-2006, 05:10 PM
One more thing to consider:

If an accident happens, something caused it. Be careful and remember that the cause of the incident may still be dangerous...and put YOU at risk as well at the injured on scene.

Things to think about :

Is it on a curve?
ICE? Wet leaves?
Sun glare?

Just remember that another accident may be about to happen...try to be sure you aren't involved.

Good tips!
