View Full Version : Any subscribe to Rouleur using magazines.com?

12-04-2018, 08:34 PM
They list a price of $67.95. But, then are a little cagey about how many issues that is. Looks like they have 4 issues and 8 issues listed in two different places.

https://www.magazines.com/rouleur-magazine.html?affiliate_id=20337&cvosrc=ppc.google.shopping&gclid=Cj0KCQiA6JjgBRDbARIsANfu58EbOkrkzCe9Kwcw2ZG_ ypSAvKpyJmW8WPjcBgCx4VbMFHjzUtj-1V4aAtGOEALw_wcB#tab1

12-05-2018, 12:25 AM
About half the price of a regular sub. I would say it's probably the 4 issue.