View Full Version : OT: Ski helmets

CNY rider
09-30-2006, 06:53 PM
I am looking for some input from the downhill skiiers on the board, regarding helmets.

My wife and I are intermediate level downhill skiiers, fairly casual about it, and go 5 or 6 times each winter. We actually do a lot more cross country/backcountry skiing but that's really not where I"m going with this. We've never worn helmets but are considering adding them for this winter. I think my wife will like it because it will keep her head warm. Me, I'm not so sure. I do always wear one on the bike, so I"m sure I can get used to it, and the safety aspect has its appeal.

So......how many of you wear helmets while downhill skiing? If you wear one, do you feel comfortable with it on? Do you see any drawbacks in wearing one? What brands do you wear or recommend?


09-30-2006, 07:02 PM
Yes- helmets are the way to go. My wife (snowboarder) and I (tele) both use them all of the time. Even when I go in the backcountry, I generally use the helmet. It is very warm. most have adjustable vents or removable vent plugs for ventilation control, and are very comfortable. It is cheap insurance and I see no drawbacks. Face it- any time a skier meets a tree, the tree will win. ANother benefit is that is makes it easy to hold you goggles! And you can put cool stickers on it.

09-30-2006, 07:11 PM
I wear one--warm (but I can vent it if I want), comfy, and the goggles stay put. Just the one little Alta sticker for me, but go wild if you wanna.

I don't have any sort of missionary zeal about helmets, but whereas there are days when the bike helmet really is bothersome, I've not yet had a day in the mountains when the ski helmet bugged me. Like other helmets, they come in slightly different shapes as well as sizes, and it pays to try a few on if you're going to get one.

09-30-2006, 07:52 PM
We don't have ice in the Rockies like you do in the East and I'm pretty adept at avoiding trees so I don't wear one.

CNY rider
09-30-2006, 07:59 PM
We don't have ice in the Rockies like you do in the East and I'm pretty adept at avoiding trees so I don't wear one.

I hear you. We've taken a few western trips and it's really an eye opener......

09-30-2006, 08:05 PM
We don't have ice but we still have trees and rocks, and I tend to like preserving the neurons and synapses. I'm not a helmet nazi, but for me it's the right thing to use.

By the way- a few hardcore folks were skiing on Vail pass last weekend and A Basin had 18" and they're starting make snow. I can't friggin' wait!! :cool:

09-30-2006, 08:07 PM
My brother did a clinical rotation at a ski resort's medical clinic (major boondoggle). He started wearing a helmet after that and has worn one ever since... Anyway, Giro makes some popular models (Nine, Fuse, etc), although ultimately, I think fit and comfort are most important.

09-30-2006, 09:20 PM
All positive for me, I wouldn't ski without one.

I have the Giro with the adjustable vents. I switched to the helmet with the assumption that I could get used to it but it would be a compromise. I was wrong. The helmet is better than a hat in every way. With the adjustable vents on my helmet, I can choose three different settings that lets me match the temperature exactly.

Even if you don't consider safety, a helmet is more comfortable to ski with than a hat. Considering that I love to ski trees, and that I've ripped more than one jacket on branches, there is no question about it.

Get yourself a helmet with the best venting options available and you won't understand why you ever used hats.

09-30-2006, 10:05 PM
when my oldest boy started racing he had to have a helmet... rules you know.
the guys I ski with are all a little crazy. after seeing one face plant through the east coast trees I decided to get a helmet.
last season my buddy who is a helmet nazi decided to ski w/o one. 3 hrs later he was getting airlifted out after skiing into the rocks. luckily he didn't hit his head. had it not been for ski patrol and the chopper, he'd not have made it.

09-30-2006, 10:07 PM
I don't get to ski enough, but my sister (who lives in Snowmass) swears by 'em. Safety is one thing, (a bonus!) but comfort is why she uses hers. From what I can see, alot of the locals use them.


Lost Weekend
09-30-2006, 10:15 PM
It's not so much the rocks and trees, but the crazy out of control people with helmets that make me think about gettin one, maybe.

09-30-2006, 11:02 PM
Getting hit by others is a real concern. I got one for riding the snowboard but now wear it skiing as well. I have a Giro, but the main thing is fit and getting one that you can vent as well.

09-30-2006, 11:24 PM
It's not so much the rocks and trees, but the crazy out of control people with helmets that make me think about gettin one, maybe.

This is another great reason to wear one. I know plenty of people who have been whacked hard by out of control skiers or borders. A couple of them were hospitalized.

"Snow" vs. ice makes no difference for me, I'll be wearing my lid.

I started wearing one in the early 90's when all the kids that I was coaching were wearing them, figured I shouldn't be setting a bad example. It didn't take long for me to start wearing one all the time. I just don't see a down side.

andy mac
10-01-2006, 09:34 AM
if helmets are good enough for pros they are good enough for the average punter.

look after that mellon, you aren't getting another one anytime soon.



CNY rider
10-01-2006, 11:08 AM
Just ordered up a Giro 9.9 for myself and a Fuse for Mrs. CNY. Thanks for all the helpful comments.

10-01-2006, 12:56 PM
Last time I skied (in the Rockies) I hit a patch of ice and went down. It was one of those slides where you just have to wait until you stop. I didn't stop until I went over the ledge, out of bounds, and down into the trees. My wife found me face down in the snow, unconscious. Ski patrol got me down the mountain and the ambulance did the rest. I shattered my left scapula, broke the right one in half, had a compression fracture of a vertebrae, and a hair line fracture of my skull. I'll ski again for sure, but not without a helmet.