View Full Version : Video Evidence

11-02-2017, 06:28 AM
Video evidence being used to prosecute assault cases in California


We are proud to have the League of American Bicyclists recognize our work to reduce "dangerous driver behavior through the use of citizen video evidence and incident reporting."

The more who use it, then the more of a deterrent it will be.

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Spaghetti Legs
11-02-2017, 07:16 AM
I’m not sure it’s a deterrent at this point as most drivers don’t know they’re on video. Maybe as it is used more. I tell people my camera is for my wife and the cops to know who to go after when they scrape me up off the pavement.

11-02-2017, 07:22 AM
The word will hopefully get out. We are watching!

11-02-2017, 07:55 AM
BTW what happened with the woman from castro viejo that got a ball threw to her??? did they catch the guys???

THe face of the dude is right there....

11-02-2017, 07:57 AM
Part of me thinks this is a good idea and supports it. Another part of me wonders whether these idiots think through their actions and the consequences of said actions enough that this would actually have a deterrent effect.

All things being equal, I'd prefer to have video evidence of a crime against me. But, it seems like a rare situation when someone gets in their car with the express aim of hitting a cyclist (that guy in New York notwithstanding). More likely, it is a case of distraction or some misguided attempt to respond to an interpreted slight, or perhaps a case of bullying and road rage. Many millions of cars pass cyclists everyday without major incident, even when cyclists are being rude/taking up more of the road than they should, etc.

These people's brains get into some sort of reptilian mind state, and I really doubt whether it will even cross their mind whether they are on camera.

11-02-2017, 04:54 PM
Every driver should have a dashcam. Even if the car itself is free, if you can afford gas/insurance you can afford the $80 for a good dashcam (especially given the potential savings when it proves the other party at fault in an otherwise 50/50 incident).

Dashcams are like vaccines, even if you never have an issue it can help someone else when they're in need. I drive like a grandma but I've caught a few close calls I wasn't directly involved in. If those close calls had been actual hits I would gladly stop and provide footage.

Every cyclist should have a helmet cam, but sadly those are a bit more expensive and the size/weight can be significant factors for many riders.

11-02-2017, 05:22 PM
I ride with a cam mounted to my front rack(can't quite get used to the look or feel of a helmet cam), I also drive with a front and rear facing cam in my car. I started with the cam's in my car two years ago after having a cyclist smack the side window accusing me of right hooking him. I was first in line at a traffic light turning right and the cyclist came up on the right side of me going straight and thought he had the right of way even though he was passing stopped traffic on a solid line.
I should probably use a rear facing camera while riding because all of my altercations while riding have happened from behind!
I agree with the above post that there are benefits for both drivers and cyclists riding with cam's.