View Full Version : How do YOU find new cycling groups in a new city?

08-13-2016, 08:16 AM
Curious about how you do it. I generally search for local bike shops on Google then go to each individual page and see if they have a weekly ride. And then get the gossip while riding to see what the best rides in the area are.

Starting from scratch, say you move to a city, how do you find group rides in the area?

08-13-2016, 08:48 AM
Local bike shop and chat to them, find the best bike friendly cafe and hang there

08-13-2016, 09:06 AM
ive been catching people on my rides and riding with them. i also went to the group ride at the local shop. The group ride left a bit to be desired, but i met some cool guys to ride with. I'm newer rider, so its nice to ride with more experienced riders sometimes.

08-13-2016, 09:45 AM
Google, Facebook, Meet-up, LBS, Carrier Pigeon, Candygram.

08-13-2016, 10:04 AM
Yep, local groups on meetup.com

08-13-2016, 10:45 AM
This is a case where I'd use strava.

Look at a given segment, and you can limit it to rides this week or month. Look at the guys doing it in times similar to yours, and then look at what other rides they do, and who they ride with.

You're apt to stumble across some of the group rides this way, or at the very least identify some of the folks of similar abilities that you might try to ride with.

Other than that, yes, the bike shop approach is good.

08-13-2016, 11:20 AM
This is a case where I'd use strava.

Look at a given segment, and you can limit it to rides this week or month. Look at the guys doing it in times similar to yours, and then look at what other rides they do, and who they ride with.

You're apt to stumble across some of the group rides this way, or at the very least identify some of the folks of similar abilities that you might try to ride with.

Other than that, yes, the bike shop approach is good.
I've used Strava just as you have to find people to ride with when I'm in new areas. A quick message to a rider of similar capabilities often results in a great personal connection, or a recommendation of the best routes in the area.

I've relocated several times over the five years and I've made great friends (and riding partners) through Strava.