View Full Version : Soccer in Luxembourg

07-07-2006, 02:44 PM
Dear Liebschen,

I sink ze final metch in ze Weldt Cup is soon wid Frass vs. Italy. I hope zat Italy giffs dem frogs a goot kicking of zer rumps. Vee don't like zem for many reezens but mostly becaws zey zink ze are ze best chefs.

Anyvay, Luxembourg hass a soccer team and I heff some fotos of zem. Zey are not gut but zey try like hell. Zey are so stupid alzo. Zey wanted to join a soccer tournament and somehow end up in Wimbeldon.

Here is a foto of ze team: Showing from west to east in ze beck is:

Jurgen Jeter-He is de goalkeeper and is mainly popular for keeping ze udder team under 7 goals. He is a bik star here and has many groopies.

Next to him is Helmut Giambi. He is a striker mainly becaws he used to strike himself wid hypodermic needles of steroids.

Next to him is Gerhard Sheffield also a "striker" and for ze same reason as Giambi. His nikname is "Chef".

Zen next to him is Huelbig Matsui who ist qvite gut but is hert now.

Next is center Dieter Damon who wass made ze second team "All-Ubermench" team. Ze rest of dem are a bunch of loosers.

You also see an official shirt of ze team as well as der mascot.

Next is a foto of ze massif crowds zat turn out for ze metches.

Ze next foto is of a hairstyle vich is sveeping Luzembourg. Even ze men are wearing it.

And ze final foto is off my darlink Klaus on a bike like mine.

I hope you are enchoyink zem.

Oh yes. One qveschun. I listen on my short-wafe radio and I get a station comink from Denver, Arizona I tink. Anyvay zey haff zees advertisinks for some medicin for "reptile disfunction". I don't get zat. Could sombody explaing ziss for me? Vee ocasionaly braise zem wid lots off butter and zey are alvays qvite goot.

Auf wiedersehen meine Liebschen,
