View Full Version : NYT: Cycling 101 Needn't Be Collision Course

Tony T
09-21-2015, 07:33 AM
Cycling 101 Needn't Be Collision Course (http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/09/21/cycling-101-neednt-be-collision-course/?emc=edit_tnt_20150921&nlid=46616088&tntemail0=y&_r=0)

People need to learn how to ride safely. And, as an avid cyclist, I will add, streets and roadways need to be made safer for riding and more drivers have to learn to pay attention to the cyclists who share their road and treat them with respect, not as targets.

I have done cycling trips in Vietnam, Spain, South Africa, Germany, Croatia, Poland and New Zealand, and in all those countries, I felt a lot safer than I do riding in my Brooklyn neighborhood. Drivers approaching from behind did not honk and scare me half to death. They slowed until they could pass me safely, and those planning to turn waited until I had cleared the intersection.