View Full Version : weight bearing - o-*****

03-18-2006, 11:48 PM
This is pathetic,

I rode my fixie pretty hard on the hills this week. I thought that I might have pushed too hard with my riding partner on Wednesday, because I had really sore shin bone muscles (whatever these are called) Saturday morning. I checked with my newbie fixie buddy this morning, but he did not have the same problem. Well, it took my old brain a few miles on the road today, to realize that I had run two blocks on Friday morning. I was late for a haircut appointment, and had trouble finding parking after a long drive in heavy traffic.

Two effin blocks trying to run, and this is the results. It happens every time, but it always takes awhile to figure out the cause. Most embarrassing is, I met a woman at our rest stop at Boston Harbor, Wa., and she was sore also from a 16 mile run yesterday in hilly terrain.

Two block or 16 miles? I wished her luck on her upcoming marathon, and had a very large beer.

Different Strokes!

03-19-2006, 12:07 AM
It's amazing how hard running is on your body, no? Feel better !