View Full Version : If you're poppin' "T" for performance gains....

01-30-2014, 06:35 AM
...a recent study indicates possible cardiovascular problems in older users:

As men age, their testosterone levels fall. In older men that can lead to muscle wasting and weakness that can leave them frail and immobile.

To stop a downward health spiral, there are testosterone supplements for older men with lower levels of the hormone. But that approach just hit a hitch.

Scientists have halted a federally financed study designed to see if testosterone supplements improve muscle strength in older men. Twenty-two percent of men who used a daily skin gel containing testosterone suffered cardiovascular problems, compared with five percent who got a placebo – a fourfold greater risk.

The problems included heart attacks, stroke, symptoms of heart failure, high blood pressure and one death.....


Were the cardiovascular issues caused by the testosterone? Did the subjects receiving the real testosterone exert themselves more because they felt stronger as a result? With the rapid increase in the usage of "T" in recent years it will be interesting to see what more studies indicate.


01-30-2014, 08:14 AM
No such thing as a free lunch. We may think it is free only because we didn't get the final bill.