View Full Version : Velocipede instructions circa 1869

12-03-2013, 06:09 PM
I'm reading the new book Wheel Fever: How Wisconsin Became a Great Bicycle State. The following quote came from a local newspaper. I'm only including the first one here for brevity.

How to Mount a Velocipede - Milwaukee Sentinel, 1869

"1. Avoid all liquids which tend to unsteadiness. Divide your pennies so that an equal number shall occupy each pocket. Place your hat squarely upon your head (it might be well to carry a spirit level, the better to accomplish this). Either leave your watch with your uncle or buy another for your other vest pocket, in order that the weight of one may not throw you out of balance. Also avoid tobacco, unless you place a quid in either cheek, and be sure that your cigar be held in the center of your mouth; also part your hair in the middle."

John Price
12-04-2013, 08:32 AM
That's great. Thanks for sharing. Hmm, maybe I should wear a wristwatch on both wrists...
