View Full Version : Wheel problem or not

12-18-2005, 01:29 AM
I have just glued rather taped my new reynolds stratus. I installed the rear and found two things that are bothering me...I would like to see if anyone else has experienced this and whether or not I should get the wheel to reynolds for work or not.

1) There seems to be much drag/friction on the rear hub and cassette body. When rotating the crank then releasing it...it will spin due to friction with the rear wheel...I can hold the crank and get it to freewheel but can sense the drag on it...could this be a problem or just tightness that will break in.

2) I heard my rear when test riding and with pressure on the crank rub on the brake. This happens with a weighting on the sides of the bike but not directly centered. I then could feel with my hand about a 1-1 1/2 mm movement of the rim/hub when grabbing the top or sides of the wheel when mounted in the frame. I could just barely feel a bit of movement in the axel when not mounted on bike. It does have a slight amount of bearing drag but that will dissipate when broken in I have been told.

So what do you think...anyone have these wheels and these problems....

12-18-2005, 07:43 AM
bro for what you paid for thoses things they should be race ready out of the box i.m.h.o. don't let some sellsman b.s. you if something doesn't work right it's not going to get better on it's own it will get worse that's the way i see it but I don't know very much cheers :beer: :fight: :beer: merry christmas