View Full Version : Bill Does His Tyler Impersonation...

Bill Bove
03-02-2004, 09:07 PM
...got taken out from behind tonight during a small group ride as we left a red light. Results; three broken spokes on the non drive side of a Eurus wheel, one ground up right Ergolever and a mildly broken coller bone.

Took a Vicadin, got a comfrey compress on it, let's see what the morning brings.

03-02-2004, 09:12 PM
Glad to hear you are gonna be ok. Did you have the shoulder looked at by a doc?

03-02-2004, 09:16 PM
Ugg! Sorry to hear that, Bill! At least there's no shortage of folks out here who can give you advice on caring for that collar bone (aside from your doctor, of course ;) )
I'm about ready to give up pacelining...I've heard this waaay too often.
Rest up, and hopefully you'll be back to 100% for the nice Spring riding.

Bill Bove
03-02-2004, 09:24 PM
No Doc yet, I'll wait till the morning and if it is bad I'll go to the V.A. (it's free) This is number three for this shoulder, I hear they break much easier each succsesive time. Last time I was back on the bike but unable to do anything really hard in three days so I'm hoping to be back on the bike the day after tomorrow. But like I said, we'll have to reevalute things in the morning when the adrenalin wears off and the muscles relax and the Vicadin wears off and the bruises come to the suface... ain't biking fun?

Jeff Weir
03-02-2004, 10:25 PM
You must be one tough mofo to be able to get back on your bike 2 days after "breaking" your collarbone.

03-02-2004, 11:06 PM
"I'm hoping to be back on the bike the day after
Yep, you really are trying to do a Tyler impersonation. :D

Bill Bove
03-03-2004, 01:09 AM
It's 2am and I'm not sleeping. It hurts. It really hurts when I move through a very wide range of motion. I'm not going to be throwing any complete games for the Red Sox soon.

I've seen this injury a lot from both sides and I think most people baby themselves too much. Tyler was a stud for getting back on his bike the next day, I thought he should have pulled out for his own health and the safety of the rest of the field. How good can your bike handling skills be with a broken collar bone? But he proved me wrong. You have to let pain be your guide and obviosly he has a high threshold.

You also have to define "break" like I said, I have enough experience with this type of injury (airbourne) to know when it is severe and this one is not. I'm sure an x-ray will show a slight crack in the bone, not a complete seperation, so all the Doctor will say is take it easy for a while and put it in a sling to make me think I'm doing something for it when in reality the sling is the worst thing you can do. So unless the pain is so severe I'm seeing double I don't want to waste a whole morning waiting around the V.A. hospital.It will heal on it's own, you have to keep it moving as much as you can tolerate otherwise you risk losing flexibility. I'll take it one day at a time not a week at a time.

03-03-2004, 01:21 AM
Hey Bill,

Don't push it man! If I were you, I would pamper myself and make sure there won't be any permanent damage...

I have seen many of my buddies rush back to riding, just to have a nagging discomfort last forever!

03-03-2004, 01:23 AM

Sorry to hear that. Hope you recover soon.

who is also not sleeping: his 3 month old boy has a virus infection.

03-03-2004, 05:20 AM

Take care of yourself. Best of luck.


Too Tall
03-03-2004, 05:58 AM
Quit doing that ! Hang in there Bill, you listen to your body (wagging my finger at you).

03-03-2004, 06:41 AM
Bill, take it easy for at least a FEW days! :no:

I’m sorry to hear about you and the bike, but I’m with Russ on this one. A visit to the doc and a week off to let things settle down is NOT that big a deal in the total scheme of things.

What was that line from that “Journey” song? . . . “Be good to yourself--nobody else will.”


03-03-2004, 07:16 AM

Bummer! tough way to start the season...although I guess "the season" lasts all year in Florida.

Sounds like you've been thru this before and know what you're in for.

The good news is that you will heal.

The bad news is you've got a busted wheel!! Is it fixable? What happens on those high tension wheels when a spoke breaks?

Take care!

03-03-2004, 07:28 AM
Well Bill I'm not sure how many guys are going to pitch complete games for the Red Sox this season but if we can get you to the seventh...

I think Russ has the right notion. At a certain point I think you may risk a nagging, persistent discomfort that never quite goes away if you push this too hard. Easy mon, it's just the beginning of the season (not really here...too soon) but there is plenty of miles ahead.

Careful riding with other folks. Personally, I stay off the pacelines and out of the crit races.


03-03-2004, 07:48 AM

Sorry to hear about the fall. Take it easy and spend your free time continuing to fight for bike lanes on A1A!

Thanks for saying "hello" at the Delray Beach meeting. Still amazed that the local politicians find little trouble in compromising safety.


Bill Bove
03-03-2004, 08:05 AM

The MPO still has to sign off on the plan and Ralph Clemente (PB bike/ped co-ordinator and cat 1) is not happy with it.

Doug & Russ,

Already there with the nagging discomfort from a much earlier break.

I'm skipping the hospital, I think it is more an aggrevation of previous breaks than a new seperation and iI really don't want waste the whole morning there or waste the doctors time. There are guys there who need to be seen more way more than me, it is a veterans hospital.

My shop was recently anoited a Campagnolo Pro Service Shop and I'm lucky enough to have a fantastic mechanic working for me, so I'm confident that the wheel will be round and true by the end of the day. Now I just have ride the mile and a half with wheel in my hands to work.

03-03-2004, 09:25 AM
How come is it so prevalent in our beloved sport? Having never experienced the displeasure (quickly knocking my wooden head), is it most often caused by the rider reaching out and stiff-arming the oncoming ground or is it the shoulder slamming into the pavement?

Any bloody or gruesome details can be left out from the answer, thank you.

03-03-2004, 09:43 AM
That's hard to determine, at least when it happened to me. I didn't hear any bone snap. I was laying there when I felt my collarbone hurting. I stucj my hand inside my shirt, and it was sticking out.

03-03-2004, 10:20 AM
bill, your story only re-enforces my anti-social tendencies. if i can play hooky, i'm going for a ride this afternoon (near 60 here) all by my lonesome. good luck and heal fast. and join my travis bickel bike club! :p

03-03-2004, 05:15 PM
Sorry to hear that you fell down and went crack!

I hope it heals!

Mary Ann

03-03-2004, 06:49 PM
Ouch! Good to hear you aren't babying yourself, though. And it sure must be nice to have a spare Vicodin laying around (I won't ask). Feel better.

03-03-2004, 08:11 PM
Maybe he has Rush as a houseguest?

Actually, Doctors overperscribe that stuff. I always get scripts for it filled after surgeries and wind up throwing it out because I wind up not using it.

Bill Bove
03-03-2004, 09:23 PM
Damn, I was stopped at a red light a couple of weeks ago with Rush in his convertable, I could have asked him to reccommend a doctor (or doctors).

Collar bone is sore and very stiff but I do not think it is a new break, I think an exsisting break just moved a bit. I was able to gingerly get on the bike and and ride to work today, I'll be able to ride by Friday or Saturday but intervals may have to wait a little longer.