View Full Version : Recessed nut (minor) woes - looking for suggestions

03-11-2013, 07:59 AM
Hi all,

So I'm making my 2nd frame, it's going to be my touring/commuting rig. For the fork I went with the following:


There aren't lots of choices for steel 1" steerer forks with canti studs and rack mounts, go figure.

I was delighted to find out that it's got a drilled out fork crown, so I also bought one of these guys as a front cable hanger:


I get it home, and go to put it together, and lo and behold, the drilled hold in the brand new Surly fork isn't drilled for recessed nuts (probably because it's meant mainly as a fender holder).

Reading up on my options, it seems that most people say it's not a big deal to just widen that hole so that it accepts a recessed nut - just drill it out with a 5/16 or 8mm bit. Before I go this route, was curious if this will mess anything else up. I have a feeling it'll make it impossible to mount the fenders to the crown behind the fork (will have to go in front behind the cable hanger I'd think). Curious if my best bet is to just find a longer bolt and use an external nut (if so, where is the best place to find the right thing?). Really just looking for thoughts/experiences that may help me decide what to do. I find I'm usually missing an angle on these things when I think about them in a vacuum.

I suppose my other option is to ditch the fork crown hanger all together, and go with the steerer type, but I was rather excited about the fork crown option.



03-11-2013, 09:23 AM
If you drill the fork crown, you have two options for fender mounting:

1) You could use a fender nut to mount the fender behind the fork crown:

2) Or you could use a daruma to mount the fender inside the fork crown. The daruma slips over the threaded bolt of the brake/hanger to provide a mounting point for your fender. You just have to drill a hole in the fender at the correct location:

03-11-2013, 09:40 AM
Thanks for those suggestions - seem to lead me towards drilling the back, which sounds like it's pretty trouble free for most people.

03-11-2013, 10:53 AM
Going into the backside with a pointed drill will result in a concave face for the bolt shoulder/washer to seat against. Better to go to a machine shop and have them use the right size end mill.

03-11-2013, 11:10 AM
What? No it won't, Drill all the way through the backside of the crown only, and the tip of the bit is free and clear inside the steerer. The remaining hole is square-edged.

The "recessed" brake nut will not be fully recessed like a factory install, but it will sit mostly flush, like this:


If you're making your frame, why not braze a plate to the bottom of the crown/steerer with a threaded hole in it for direct-bolting a fender to? Like this:

03-11-2013, 11:33 AM
I've already got the Surly fork, and while I could do that to it, I'd have to strip it of it's paint and repaint it, which I'd rather not deal with.