View Full Version : Oh how difficult it must be when you're beautiful (mostly OT)

01-30-2013, 10:52 PM
A NYT story about NYC Fashion Week and the Flu Link to whole story is here (http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/31/fashion/illness-walks-the-runway.html?smid=pl-share)

Maybe with a little help we too can join them...

WHILE KEEPING THE WORLD trendy has its hazards, fashionistas have developed stylish tactics to avoid getting the bug. Many have dutifully gotten their flu shots. (It’s not too late, though it takes about two weeks to build up immunity — just in time for London Fashion Week.)

Others follow variations of what could be called the standard fashion-world starvation diet, whether it’s drinking large quantities of SmartWater fortified with packets of the vitamin supplement Emergen-C, or force-feeding themselves nothing but raw greens, like koalas munching eucalyptus leaves. Dr. Glatter says he has even treated some fashion people for diarrhea from eating too much kale.

Then there are the juicers. The designer Cynthia Rowley swears by Juice Press, the three-year-old Manhattan chain popular with fashion insiders for its 17-ounce $10 bottles of cold-pressed fruits and vegetables. “I’m addicted,” said Ms. Rowley, who added that she chugged the stuff with staff members when they were not taking spin classes en masse at SoulCycle.

Steve in SLO
01-31-2013, 10:13 AM
With so much purging and laxitive abuse in that crowd, there's a joke in there somewhere.