View Full Version : Breath of "Fresh Air"

07-30-2012, 07:53 AM
Cadel Evans isn't new to cycling by any stretch, but I really admire him more and more these days. Yes his lack of performance and his admitting fatigue is a sign, at least in my book, that even champions have their share of bad patches and will show it from time to time.

The pressure to perform has not eaten away at CE and pushed upon him to resort to PED's. He's proven he's a champion but even more, he's proven he's a champion w/pride and dignity.

07-30-2012, 08:39 AM
He'll always be Cuddles in my book, threatening to kill people for getting near his dog.

mike p
07-30-2012, 08:45 AM
I've always thought Cadel was an incredibly gifted athlete. His accomplishments would be the envy of most pro's. That said I always thought he was weak mentally. Very prone to fit's of rage if things don't go his way. I was pleasantly surprised last year that he didn't fall apart and won the tour. I can't help think that if he were as strong mentally as he is physically he'd have many more grand tour victories.
