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Old 12-19-2016, 07:21 PM
wasfast wasfast is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: San Diego
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The tiny house is a predictable, and welcome, counterpoint to the McMansions of the pre2007 crash. Having come from Portland, birthplace of much of this, I do get it.

The owners seem to mostly be divorced middle aged women, young singles or young couples. The appeal of no mortgage, personalized design etc are all perks. I think the bigger picture gets ignored though. Few of these have indoor "facilities" or showers and seem to end up parked along someone else's house for hookups like water and electricity.

Certainly you could buy a piece of dirt somewhere and park these on it but between the price of the dirt, getting easements, sewer, power, etc, it's not quite the "bargain" as advertised.

Again, these aren't intended to be critical of the idea, I really like them. I just think the entire solution isn't presented well upfront. And, come time to sell, how much is a fancy mobile, custom home worth?
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