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Old 11-21-2019, 07:39 AM
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oldpotatoe oldpotatoe is offline
Proud Grandpa
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Republic of Boulder, USA
Posts: 47,065
If you want your kids/grandkids to have an inhabitable planet, stop eating meat and drinking milk - or drastically reduce your consumption of it. It's that simple.
If it were only that simple. Having 10% of the human population do the above(700 MILLION people, twice the population of the US), stop eating meat or drinking milk..would that make a difference? Probably but trying to make the the world population to stop eating meat and drinking milk...I guess gotta start somewhere but when you see the 2 BIG population centers, India and China, not really into the game of not eating meat and drinking milk..well...
The majority of meats consumed in India are fish, bovine, mutton, goat, pig, and poultry. In Indian context, culture, traditions, customs, and taboos influence meat consumption to a great extent. However, studies show that urbanization has been causing a rise in demand for meat products. India is the world’s second largest exporter of beef.
Humans thrive and react based on threats, crisis, emergencies. I agree with EVERYTHING said, re: climate change and how humans are causing it but I'm also very pessimistic..look no further than 1600 Pennsylvania Ave and the halls of congress. It's gonna be Soylent Green or a world wide pandemic(reducing population in a BIG way) before the human population as a whole gets off their meat consuming, gas driving collective butts.
And much of the naysaying is clearly
fossil fuel company propaganda
I urge you to join the rest of the globe
and the 21st Century!!!
I urge to take a look at the 'rest of the globe'....most of the 'globe' are far below the US/Europe/Parts of Asia in terms of financial flexibility and ability to not eat mean, drink milk or buy an EV car.
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Qui Si Parla Campagnolo

Last edited by oldpotatoe; 11-21-2019 at 07:45 AM.
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