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Old 09-30-2005, 09:13 AM
Posts: n/a
Bumble Bee....

Just thinking aloud, and not being a D1ck, but using your thought process for not buying Carbon, how could you buy Ti? When you purchased your Ti bike, how long were Ti Frames around?

When we think of the question, or better the statement you said:
I have no evidence yet that carbon WILL last a long time.
Your logic seems based on the fact that the industry had not been making them long enough. Ti would then pose a similar logic problem.

We know the tubes are gonna last, regardless of material, I guess you question relates moreso then to the joining processes, no? Do you feel, today, that the advancements in material sciences have still not gotten the manufacturing and joining of carbon composites to a high enough standard?

Dave, understand, seriously I am not being sarcastic or aggro here, I am just posing it in a more philosophical light to loo at the broader spectrum of what are the modern JUSTIFIABLE reasons for concerns with Carbon.

That said, I think your Legend is a great bike! I hate to qualifiy my statements, but it seems if you don't things can flame up fast, and that is not my intent. If it was, you'd [the collective "you"] know because my waitress at the diner, Barb, would be writing for me!!! DA DA DOO!
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