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Old 12-18-2004, 12:43 AM
WickedWheels WickedWheels is offline
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: NE
Posts: 979
* real name: Alex
* where do you live?: Outside of Boston
* explanation of your handle: a sentimental attachment to a wheel-building business I ran while in college. Soon to be a mobile bike repair business.
* explanation of your avatar: I'll leave this one alone
* age (general or specific): 26 (am I the youngest here?)
* occupation: Fit technician (serotta-certified) and sales guy at a bike shop
* favorite bike: all of them, but very partial to anything with a LeMond "Z" on it
* what's in your stable: Currently it's a '91 LeMond "Z" steel and a Nishiki beater. Expecting a baby Fisher Cake this spring. Hoping for a Coeur D'Acier (see pictures section)
* fastest speed on a road bike? where? when? 55mph down the backside of Shutesbury in Western MA... with my chest on seat and one hand off the bars--REALLY!
* how many miles ON THE ROAD on a road bike last year? 35,000
* what is the biggest lie you've ever told: the one about my mileage. I wish I had a quarter of that! (there are more, but if my ex-girlfriend ever finds out the phone calls will start up again)
* and, something fun: selling bikes all day long! The pay sucks, but it's always entertaining. Soooooooo many good stories and interesting customers! It has kept me doing it for almost 10 years.
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