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Old 12-11-2004, 12:55 AM
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vaxn8r vaxn8r is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Eugene, OR
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Originally Posted by Len J
Annual tradition on some other boards....this has never been done on this board. Let's finad out about each other.
* real name, if you like Greg
* where do you live? Eugene, OR
* explanation of your handle guess, see below if you can't
* explanation of your avatar The lower ST on my Atlanta
* age (general or specific) 43
* occupation Pediatrician
* favorite bike Calfee Tetra Pro
* what's in your stable? Atlanta, Caad7, Merkx 753, Masi 3V, Lemond OCLV, Litespeed Classic, Davidson tandem
* fastest speed on a road bike? where? when? 68, N. Kentucky 1988
* how many miles ON THE ROAD on a road bike last year? 6,000 by Thanksgiving
* make up and answer at least one additional question. I can get into a real (good) mindset when faced with a stiff headwind. I can suffer...probably from my 18 years spent swimming. 20 pounds ago I used to be a pretty decent climber, now a stubborn wannabe
* what is the biggest lie you've ever told ?
* and, something fun. Oregon coast ride in 1997 was pretty fun to have done....little too much traffic though. There are much better roads to ride in Oregon, though none quite as spectacular.

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