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Old 05-12-2024, 05:26 PM
rmhurley rmhurley is offline
Join Date: Jun 2021
Posts: 39
Lining up w/ Pros

its hard to say what people really want and, is it because there are pros there? or because all their friends are also there and you get a burrito and beer at the end? I think the growing numbers of race participants and their respective relationship to professional participation is correlative. Seems the fact that it is now "professional" boosts its visibility overall and with that you have more and more regular people showing up. I suspect that participation might be about the same if there were separate races but also I would think that the age categrories would still be sufficient. I mean, why cut someone off if they were really motivated by the fact that they could measure themselves against a pro in competition, even if they wouldnt win? I see no point in that--let people enter in whatever category they qualify. I just hope that as it evolves and grows, it stays somewhat flexible and fun for everyone who wants to show up.
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