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Old 05-07-2024, 01:56 PM
Gummee Gummee is offline
Old, Fat & Slow
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: NoVA for now
Posts: 6,515
Originally Posted by deluz View Post
Used to see Axel a few times on the group "Wednesday ride".
I remember his super smooth pedaling style.
A few years I was riding and was passed by a group, caught up with them and one rider with very large thighs turned off in my direction so I rode with him for awhile. It wasn't till we stopped at a light that I glanced at his top tube that had his name "Nelson Vails" on it. He was a very nice guy.
The thing I've noticed over the years is that the truly fast people are some of the nicest you'll meed. It's the ones that want you to think they're fast that are the jackholes.

Seems to work across the board in pretty much every walk of live: the ones that have done it (whatever 'it' is) are the nicest people you'll meet. The wannabe's are the jackholes

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