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Old 05-02-2024, 08:41 PM
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onekgguy onekgguy is offline
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Originally Posted by cgolvin View Post
Well, that was intended as an exaggeration. At the end of that section I was definitely of the "this is not fun" mindset, but there were many great pieces to compensate.

Length really depends. There are shorter loops like this, 22 miles and 2400', about 40% of which is dirt. I can extend it to this, 39 miles and 5k', flipping the dirt/road split. Or if you want to go crazy, here's a local segment that covers nearly 60 miles and 10k'. There are portions of that route that are definitely as bad as what you saw in my video.

My serious riding also started in the 70s when I was a student in Santa Cruz, first on a too-big Masi then on the Gios that I still own. It's still one of my favorite places to ride, though I'm amazed that I was able to do those climbs with a low gear of 42/21.
The Skinny Camel route looks like a real test. I would love to give it a go. The other routes look nice as well. Is there much vehicle traffic on those roads? Our gravel roads get some light traffic but it's not much. They're a treat from the constant drone of cars on some of our busier highways. We'll get the occasional farm dog that will give chase to us but that's usually all in good fun.

Kevin g
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