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Old 05-02-2024, 01:08 PM
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benadrian benadrian is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2017
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 338
Okay, I wax amateur style and found that it has been really great. Wax-based lube in between immersions.

I have had this question, but never a good place to ask. I'll ask here:
Everyone talks about having to clean the chain very, very well with usually harsh chemicals. What happens if you don't do this? What happens if you clean it, but maybe to 95% of clean, but not 100% of clean?

My hypothesis is that the remaining factory grease will either impede wax from getting in, or break down the wax more quickly. Of course, I've never tested this.

I ask because I degreased and cleaned my chain quite well, but not to the "acetone bath" level. The waxing seems to work great. I presume it would just be better if I did a better cleaning.

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