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Old 04-30-2024, 09:52 PM
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carpediemracing carpediemracing is offline
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Hm. I didn't know about the alcohol and sleep thing.

I got a Garmin watch to track sleep because my employer gives a discount on healthcare costs if I track sleep automatically (like on a Garmin, versus just writing hours and minutes down). I realized I generally don't sleep enough, 5-6 hours is about a normal night. I've had the watch almost 2 years now, forget to keep it on maybe a night every 2-3 months.

Problem is I have a really hard time sleeping more than about 7 hours, so if I go to sleep at, say, 9 pm, I wake up at 3 am or so and feel groggy for a long, long time, like the rest of the day. I found if I stay up until 11pm or so, I get up 6:30 and it's pretty good. Problem is I end up lstaying up until 1 or 2 am, wake up at 6:30-7... and that's not enough sleep.
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