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Old 04-30-2024, 04:19 PM
benb benb is offline
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Originally Posted by Mark McM View Post
In other words, the book isn't about whether there is an ongoing posture problem in the population, or even about whether interventions to correct posture are effective or just mis-guided; the book is about the beliefs and values society place around perceived "good posture", and the judgement it makes about people based on their postures.

The discussions in this thread about MRIs, and the effect of desk jobs on the back, and medical interventions are all interesting, but their connection to this book isn't how they affect the human back; the connection to the book is how it shows our fascination with posture.
I think the issue is most people didn't actually read the article. It's paywalled, and it took a little bit of jumping through hoops to actually read the whole thing if you don't subscribe to NYT.

But yah, the whole thread was started on a misconception.

Somebody who works a tough job that impacts their posture is not "lazy" or a "bad person". And not everyone can go quit that job and hire a personal trainer to do everything "right".

It's not like jobs that have a physical aspect leave you in a much better place after 30-40 years either.
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