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Old 04-18-2024, 02:46 AM
verticaldoug verticaldoug is offline
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Originally Posted by jkbrwn View Post
I know there's far worse things happening in the world, but seeing older people lose their entire retirement funds to scam call centers in India (not xenophobic, its just how it is) really breaks my heart. So I'll always do whatever I can to help someone out with this kinda thing
Getting wiped out financially from a scam ranks pretty high up there . Just being targeted, leaves you with a sense of being violated and your privacy compromised.

India is just the cheap labor. The brains behind the scam are somewhere else and it could be your neighbor. or some Russian living in Dubai.

The UK broke up an international scamming crime ring yesterday which shows just how organized the scamming ecosystem is. Unfortunately, it took the police 3 years to do this.

Last year, the Japanese had several Japanese nationals extradited from the Philippines who were actually running a scam targeting Japanese from inside a prison in Philippines.

You can't make this **** up.
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