Thread: Sizing up
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Old 04-17-2024, 03:25 PM
NHAero NHAero is offline
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Overall, I haven't been sizing up but down, but with long head tubes to get the bars level with the saddle. My '72 Bob Jackson was sized way too big for me (572mm TT) and now my bikes are 550mm TTs. The Jackson also had a Campy seat post, inherently a setback post, and a 90mm stem. Because I love that bike, I ride it with a 60mm stem and zero setback post. And roughly zero drop. I used to be able to ride with some drop but at 70 those days are gone.

I like a 550mm effective TT and +/-170mm HT. When I can't get the HT I just use a riser stem (current example is the Supersix). I spent some time this winter working on getting my contact points set the same on all 4 drop bar bikes, starting with using the same saddle and saddle setback, and setting reach by distance from saddle tip to hoods, because those are the real contact points.

Adam, if I were you I would leave those two Pegs alone in a dark room with soft music playing (or maybe some Italian opera) and seeing if by morning there's a nice little baby Responsorium.
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