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Old 04-17-2024, 11:02 AM
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weisan weisan is offline
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Back in Austin, Texas
Posts: 17,535
Some of the weirdest things ever happened to you at Paceline...

If you hang around these parts long enough, you are sure to see some weird things and meet some interesting people

I will just mention one of my own.

It's been so long that I even forgot what the screen name is but this person contacted me out of the blue using PM and asked if I would be willing to help faciliate a transaction. Basically the person is asking that I receive a shipment at my house and then forward it to them. My memory is faint, I think it has something to do with the sender would only ship within US and not abroad, something like that. I said, "Sure, no problem."

Within a week's time, the package came in. It was a USPS priority flat rate box.

Part of the instructions given to me was to open the box and verify its contents as soon as I received it. So I opened it, verified everything is in good order/quantity.

I promptly PM'ed that person and said, "It's here! Where would you like me to forward it to?"

No reply.

I sent another message.

Still no reply.

I made several more attempts, still no reply.

Weeks turned to months and months turned to years. And this box of stuff just kinda sit in my garage.

This morning, I finally went ahead and tried to figure out how to make use of the stuff. When I first started building wheels, I was using a 25$ plastic jig that I got off Amazon, it was so flimsy that it started to break apart after a few months and I taped it up to keep it going for a few more years. Finally, one day I was shopping around at my local coop and some bike shop had just donated like 3 or 4 of these expensive Park TS2 truing stands. They don't normally sell or give away tools but because I know everyone at a first name basis and I have been supporting the place for many years, I just politely popped the question, "Would you spare one for me to bring home?" And to my surprise, they said yes! And so, it's like all the stars had to align for this to work. I have to have a TS2 in order to match up with these precision add-ons. To be honest, it's really an overkill for what I do. I am just a hacker wheel builder. I build my own wheels and only to a certain standard that won't get myself killed. I would never sell or offer someone else to ride or buy my wheels. No f'uc'kin' way, too much liability.

Anyway, I think this kind benefactor just want to help elevate my wheel building skills to the next level like someone leaving behind a secret manual in the cave so I can reach Buddha Palm Technique Level 10. Unfortunately I am gonna disappoint him or her. I am lazy and a lousy student, I am quite happy staying at level 1.

P.S. If you see this ad, and these stuff belong to you, please contact me PRONTO!

What is your weirdest experience here at Paceline?


Last edited by weisan; 04-17-2024 at 11:09 AM.
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