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Old 04-16-2024, 09:50 PM
edgerat edgerat is offline
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Originally Posted by fourflys View Post
I'm guessing the thought is similar, in an extreme way, to murder and negligent homicide.. the former was done with intent and the latter was a result of someone's negligence.. wasn't done on purpose, but the person is still held accountable.. certainly the lady threw the hat on purpose, but did she intend to harm the rider (maybe she did) or just thought "it would be fun"? at least that's my very uneducated understanding of negligence from watching some tv and taking a business law class.. so take it with a grain of salt..

the act was wrong and I hope she is held accountable for sure!
In my state I could make a great argument that anyone at a cycling event would have some knowledge of how things work and would know that tossing the hat AT the wheel would/could cause a wreck. Negligence and intent have an extremely gray line between them.
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