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Old 04-15-2024, 03:51 PM
makoti makoti is offline
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I just regrouted two bathrooms and have suggestions, advice, warnings, whatever you want to call them.
I did that after trying several internet, home, professional fixes. None did a thing to clean the grout.
1) It's dirtier than you can imagine to regrout. The dust gets everywhere
2) Wear the breathing protection all the time during removal. See above
3) If you have more than one bathroom you want to do, DO ONE, THEN THE OTHER. Or, read the instructions ALL THE WAY TO THE END and don't be like me who read the grout sets in 24 hours and thought easy, I'll start the other while I wait. It SETS in one day, needs 3 days to bear moisture, and if you seal it, 3 MORE days.
4) DO NOT pour water with grout dust/droppings down your drains. Just don't. Out in the yard, on a pile of leaves. Let the water dry up, scoop up the leaves, toss them.
You can do it all by hand, I did and it wasn't hard. Just took longer, probably.
5) After, get used to squeegeeing the tile after every shower/bath. Makes a big difference.
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