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Old 04-14-2024, 07:43 PM
Gwerziou Gwerziou is offline
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Originally Posted by Baron Blubba View Post
I also really want it. I'm not the most inside insider, but, barring a true accidental leak (not a planned marketing leak) I hear of things before most people, sometimes by a couple of days and sometimes by a few months. I've heard nothing about electronic Ekar. I want it quite a bit, but significantly less ever since setting up my Melee with a 1 x 12 Force AXS set up (48 x 10-44). It's not perfect, but I think it's more perfect than 2x ever was, for everything from mountain rides to fast flat rides. A 13th cog would be lovely, but I don't think it's necessary. But if electronic Ekar retains the thumb shifter, golly, I'm on board.
I would get it in a heartbeat if the pricing were even vaguely reasonable. The thumb button will almost certainly go away, but I don't care the tiniest bit about that - no other drop-bar shifter system I've used has had a thumb shifter, and they all worked just fine... I would be stoked if the shifter looked pretty much exactly like WRL. I figure that one sponsored athlete racing cross/gravel with SR WRL this past year was an early tester to get feedback about would need to change for an Ekar version.
Just some skinny guy, likes bikes.
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