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Old 04-14-2024, 03:14 PM
rogerspam rogerspam is online now
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Join Date: Jun 2022
Posts: 171
Noise pollution (brake squealing)

I've thoroughly enjoyed my new bike experience--mainly the feeling of free speed of deeper profile carbon rims (BTLOS). However, the sounds with harder braking going downhill .... is this just the price you have to pay for the fun?

I have eeBrakes on BLTOS arc groove rims. New rims when I got them.
I've switched brake pads ( I'm currently using ZIPP after starting with Campy Red) and slightly adjusted the positioning, cleaned rim and pads--not much difference noted. Have a couple other options to try (thanks to a fellow PLer who had some different carbon rim pads). The stopping power is fine but the amount of squeal is disconcerting at times and I feel "bad" making so much noise.

Previously was riding Fulcrum aluminum rims/Shimano brakes and pads as a comparison.
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