Thread: Broken hip :(
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Old 04-10-2024, 06:45 AM
Zackus Zackus is offline
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Join Date: May 2020
Location: Baltimore MD
Posts: 487
I broke my hip last year riding over some cobbles on a casual ride. I was 34 at the time and luckily got transferred to a great medical center (University of Maryland Shock Trauma) and they decided since I was young they'd use screws to put my femur back together and avoid a hip replacement. The upside is, no artificial hip, the downside was a much longer recovery process. As i recall it was 0 weight bearing on the leg for 6 weeks, then an additional 4 weeks at just 50% weight bearing, so 10 weeks with crutches, before i fully weaned off them at about 3 months or so.

As others have said PT, PT, PT. I bought myself a cheap amazon weight bench and some weights to do some weight lifting to build upper body strength since i couldn't do any running, riding hiking etc. As others have said, since you'll likely be burning much fewer calories due to the inactivity, you'll want to keep a close and strict watch on your diet to avoid putting on weight while you're down. In the first few weeks, i'd focus on just recovering, if you have a spouse, relative or friend that can stay with you that's great. if not, Order some delivery food for a bit to just take it easy while you heal.

here's the thread I posted a year back. I meant to go back and update it with pics of healing but never did.
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