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Old 03-14-2024, 01:52 PM
unterhausen unterhausen is offline
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Happy Valley, Pennsylvania
Posts: 7,034
I was going to mention white coat syndrome, which I definitely have. I thought it might not apply to the OP, because he wasn't worried when he had it measured. This probably will change now that a problem has been identified.

Otoh, doctors have horrible technique usually, ignoring best practice. I have been sick for the last 10 days and finally went in to see a doctor. My bp was high, and I realized it was measured totally incorrectly. We did it again and it dropped 15mmhg. That's a big drop. And I still didn't have my arm at the right height, so it was still a little high. Although my bp does tend to go up when I can't breathe.

I resisted going on meds for the longest time. For one thing, my bp gets much better if I lose weight, and we all know cyclists are going to lose weight. But I couldn't argue with the trend, it just kept going up. So even though I figured a lot of it was white coat syndrome, it definitely made sense to do meds. I think I would have gone on them long ago if I knew what it would be like.

One thing that has really helped my bp is getting my cpap dialed in. Knocked my pb down 10mmhg even though it was resisting the meds I have been taking.
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