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Old 02-12-2024, 04:44 PM
djg21 djg21 is offline
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Originally Posted by Turkle View Post
This winter I've been rocking the indoor trainer for a lot of miles. I am on the very heavy and solid Stages SB20, so that thing isn't moving at all when I pedal. And I really am starting to get uncomfortable on the saddle. Too much pressure up front on the perineum.

It occurred to me that since weight isn't an issue on the stationary bike, why am I not using a big comfy padded saddle on the trainer?

Do any of you use a different, more padded saddle on the indoor trainer to make your winter miles more comfy?
You likely are getting uncomfortable not from the saddle per se, but because the bike is fixed and doesn’t move under you at all. Thus would happen to me on my old Computrainer. A big saddle could cause other issues. Once you have a saddle that works for you, you should use the same saddle on all of your bikes.

If you are committed to indoor training, a rocker plate may be the way to go. They are not inexpensive, but make a big difference. I use a Velocity rocker with my Tacx Neo 2T, and the Velocity makes a model will work with the SB 20.

Last edited by djg21; 02-12-2024 at 04:48 PM.
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