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Old 02-01-2024, 10:35 PM
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rwsaunders rwsaunders is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Seaburgh
Posts: 11,236
Carvana is a good resource for benchmarking a reasonable trade-in value and the value does fluctuate up and down with market trends. I’m trading in a 2018 CRV-EXL with 50K on a new CRV hybrid and the Carvana offer was a good counter to a low-ball offer from one Honda dealer, who wanted to send me an article rationalizing why it was ok for them to charge above MSRP and pay below the KBB offer that his website published, as “it was only a general guide with inflated values”.

I asked him then *** do you even waste people’s time with the process and told him that the 80’s were calling him and to have a great day. He continued to text me after I told him that there was no need to continue, and I eventually blocked his cell after another text barrage. Somehow people like that manage to make a living. _EAN HONDA…South Hills/Pittsburgh…avoid like the plague.

I’d just as soon drop the old CRV off and drive the new one home, so it’s about timing in this case. The entire transaction has been via email and some phone calls with the internet manager. We paid $31K for the CRV in 2018 and the trade-in offers were between $18.5-20.5K, and I went into the deal informing the dealers that we were trading in a specific car. Unreal used car values as Ryan said, as I guess that the 2018 will be sold right after we turn it in. I did cut the deal yesterday (31 January) as we started negotiations at the beginning of the month.
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