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Old 01-16-2024, 05:05 PM
5oakterrace 5oakterrace is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: Middle of nowhere SW New Hampshire
Posts: 322

I am of the view, noted in the article, that we have a lot of angry people in the world, angry and anxious. Worse than previous decades? Who knows. I drive slow on roads that do not have a lot of traffic. Everyday I pull over to the shoulder so someone can rocket by me. And what is so irrational is that we end up next to one another at the light. They gain nothing. That is a spiritual inner issue - anger, anxiety - manifest by the way we drive. Driving is a proxy for our emotional health/peace.

Throw in these screens in the cars, our cell phones and drivers cannot pay appropriate attention to driving.

Why are we so angry? Clearly, it affects our politics (my view.) But moreso than the past? I do not know. Congress is balkanized, unable to get along. A mess and - perhaps it is because we have dismissed a transcendent reference point for our lives which may the effect of keeping some of that inner stuff - a bit more at bay.

As a nation we are wealthy. Unemployment is way down. I know some struggle but is it worse than other periods. I do not think so. I am interested to read other commentary.
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