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Old 01-16-2024, 10:49 AM
5oakterrace 5oakterrace is offline
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Originally Posted by smontanaro View Post
A couple things of note (perhaps)...

Should this thread be closed and a new one opened with "2024" in the subject?

Mixing weight training with dieting muddies the water, especially for someone like me who has never really done any weight training. In particular, I suspect my modest attempts at adding weight training to my workout regimen in the past year (not much, all at home, almost all using my body as the resistance) contributed to my failure to acheive the weight loss goals I stated at the start of last year. Looking at myself in the mirror and the fit of my clothes suggests I have less fat, so likely modestly more muscle.

I toyed with the idea of trying skinfold calipers to calculate body fat percentage. I used them in college in one class back in the 70s (I was a Kinesiology major, so not altogether unusual). We used something like the attached image. It costs far more than I'd care to spend on this "project."

Inexpensive calipers are available nowadays, though the reading I've done suggests repeatability is a problem.

Does anyone have experience with inexpensive skinfold calipers? Good, bad, or otherwise?
I did the weight loss to hit a number. But as I dropped weight I developed a new focus - getting lean. If you look better with more muscle definition - that is a good thing.
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