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Old 01-09-2024, 12:05 AM
ridethecliche ridethecliche is offline
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Originally Posted by redir View Post
From the article title they, "want to protect their heritage."

I find that amusing on a lot of levels.
I was trying to figure out how to say this but... Here goes.

I snowboard and try to make it out west once or twice a season if time and funds allow. I'm Indian and grew up in Delhi moving to the US at 11 which makes me a huge outlier in many ways. Hilariously one of my friends whom I travel and ride with the most is also Indian, which is hilarious because we've only known each other for like two years, but we always point out all the brown folks we see on the mountain because it's rare.

We also spend time in town. I've been to steamboat twice. Jackson hole once. SLC a couple of times including one time when we did a road trip to the Idaho border to ride and even drove and ate a meal in idaho.

I'm saying all this because there were a lot of things I felt like I didn't belong in these spaces.

It hasnt escaped my notice how there's all this talk of heritage creeping up at an event that's going out of its way to be inclusive.

Fact is that these spaces benefit economically from these events. You're never going to have 100% buy in from a community which is fine but you need to build up good will and do things to help. If you're doing all that and have majority buy in then...

Fact is. Gravel events need the support of communities like this. There needs to be some leadville esque energy to help these things succeed.
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