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Old 09-26-2023, 08:26 AM
jamesdak jamesdak is offline
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Put me in the camp of it never made sense. The only time I've overheated my rim brakes were on a fast descent riding the Tour De Park City where I forgot about a horseshoe turn you hit during a 50+ mph descent. First year I didn't know about it, second year I forgot. Only time I've seem smoke coming up my front end from braking and even then I got through OK....barely....

I live surrounded by mountains and the only descent I even worry about brakes on is the Powder MT HC category climb. I will not ride my few C.F. wheels on that one because it hit's over 20% grade and you have no choice but to ride your brakes a lot coming down due to the steepness and curves, gravel on the pavement, etc.

Anyway, a sample of my beauties starting with the David Kirk built ones.

My all-time favorite still to this day.

This sees a lot of fast descending.

My goofiest and fastest bike. Although, I haven't had it out yet with these wheels.

Oscar survived on them.

Bill Davidson trusted them.

They have no problem stopping this rocket ship!

I rode this down 14% down grades on wet, muddy, loose gravel this past weekend and survived.

They even stop the fastest bike I've been out on this year.

I've got plenty more on top of these. :-)
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