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Old 09-25-2023, 06:58 PM
jimoots jimoots is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2014
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I have a couple of bikes that are close to perfection, for me at least.

My Moots Compact is what actually drew me into the forum. I purchased it from a fellow forumite (noonan) in 2015, and have since put a smidge under 120,000km on it.

I can recall a moment in my childhood being absolutely fascinated by a few Colnagos with the art deco paint, sitting in the window of a local bike shop. It would've been somewhere between 1990 and 1995.

Since getting into riding road, that spawned a thirst for a Colnago and the opportunity came (again from a forumite, jpritchet74) to get my hands on a genuine Rabo Extreme C.

The bike didn't fit quite right, so I caught and released and found myself in love with this EPS. It's not art deco (still need to scratch that itch), but I do love the raw carbon and it is my fast bike for racing.

I actually also have a late model Cervelo S3 on the way to scratch an aero itch that I've had for a few years too, and am excited to get that built up.
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