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Old 09-22-2023, 09:19 AM
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Originally Posted by echappist View Post
Surely there's a neologism for it, if for nothing out other than getting dumped out of the 2018 WC by South Korea in injury time on the counter or getting done in by Japan late in the match at the 2022 WC?

Seeing Teutonic hubris brought down to earth is never not funny. I struggle to think of a word to describe such an emotion

As for the other comments about Man. Utd. being the greatest English team and Bayern is confident about holding onto injury-time lead, Ole says hi.

All in good jest, the above
the word you were looking for is, i believe, "Schadenfreude". Or was it "Treppenwitz"?

for that squeaky bum-thing, i can offer "Torschlusspanik" resp. in this case "Torschusspanik" may be more appropriate, but it really means the Angst of not getting something done in times, as oppesd to getting something done *to you* in time.
Barca 1999 is referred to as "Weltschmerz" and the performances of Yogis late years can be described as "Kindergarten". We do have the term of "Hosen voll" but i have not seen it used in connection with a timeframe; there is no "Hosen-Voll-Zeit" and igf there was, it wasnt wednesday night. If U had actually pulled a 3rd hail mary - and we all know their pact with the devil (red) only covers 2 of those- Müller would just have told Tel to score another one and pronto, because the "last-Order" time im Schottenhammel was approaching.

I know for fact who the greatest team of all etcetera is because i'm a reader, or should i say pupil of the "Redcafe" forums. I learned that Musiala can't be all that good but we will never know because he never played on a rainy tuesday night in Stoke. Also the members are currently convincing themselves they were the better team but got cheated by the great VAR Conspiracy - and they havent even noticed Musialas handball before the 2-0!
I imagine, the match will enter club folklore as one of their greatest matches ever in a few weeks time.
Jeremy Clarksons bike-riding cousin

Last edited by martl; 09-22-2023 at 09:30 AM.
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