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Old 09-08-2023, 12:32 AM
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andy.mgnr andy.mgnr is offline
Dirt Rat
Join Date: Jul 2023
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Posts: 71
Can’t track down my awful creaking - any ideas??

I was hoping to get your guys’ help as I’ve developed an awful creaking on my freshly built Fairlight Holt and I’m at my wits end having tried everything I can think of to fix it.

It feels like a stiff clicking that vibrates through the whole frame, and that happens rhythmically along with each pedal stroke as opposed to the type of creak I’ve gotten on pressfit bottom brackets. It happens whether I’m pedaling very softly (barely at all) or putting down a lot of power. It happens whether I’m out of the saddle or not.

It seems like it has to be coming from the bottom bracket but I’ve never had a threaded bottom bracket creak on me, and it’s all brand new. T47 BB from Wheels Mfg and an M9120 XTR crankset.

I’ve fully rebuilt the cranks and bottom bracket twice now, including the direct mount XTR chainring all according to Shimano’s instructions. Greased pedals, but they’re the exact same pedals I take off and put on my gravel bike which does not creak so it won’t be the pedals. Greased the rear axle. Greased Seatpost and seat collar, but can’t be the Seatpost as I took it entirely off the bike for a test ride and it still creaked horribly. I even greased where the dropper cable enters the bottom of the Seatpost just in case.

Any opinions would be appreciated, cheers!
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