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Old 01-21-2023, 10:38 AM
BobbyJones BobbyJones is offline
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Weighing yourself everyday can help for psychological reinforcement while developing new habits.

If the daily fluctuations are discouraging and the headspace isn’t there to understand that it’s not really about “today”, chances of success over the long run are slim.

Not saying it’s for everybody, but that’s why programs like Noom are successful.

Originally Posted by fourflys View Post
I won't be recording daily I don't think.. that's actually not a great think to do if you are trying to lose weight.. there is always an initial loss and then a plateau as you replace that fat with muscle.. at least for most people and chasing a number every day or two is bound to get some folks down and disappointed.. I'll probably try and do weekly and just watch how my clothes fit.. (gotta get that new to me Rapha jersey a little looser! )
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