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Old 08-06-2022, 06:58 AM
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Originally Posted by mcteague View Post
As they say "no good deed goes unpunished". So much hate in the world. I suspect it has always been this way but modern technology makes us aware of the inner thoughts of too many people.

Beat me to it...Yup, really ugly right now, for a variety of 'reasons'. Even during the VietNam era...late 60s, early 70s..and with all that was going on then..I don't remember it being this divisive, this ugly, this mean, this angry...

Yup, interweb..BITD, all you could do was call and leave a message on their answering machine or put something in a newspaper or some other 'rag'...
I just dont get why people care what others do.
Culture WARS with a capital 'W'.."I'm ok, you're so-so".."What's mine is mine, what's yours is mine" type crappola..Plus as mentioned, don't agree?...violence, via anonymity.

Geez, as much as I DON'T want to...I'll stop here...
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Last edited by oldpotatoe; 08-06-2022 at 07:17 AM.